Who Benefits?
On June 26, 2013, the U.S Supreme Court reversed the Defense of Marriage Act. So now what?
The landscape for Estate & Income Tax Planning has changed. Same-sex married couples will now receive benefits such as:
Source: Human Rights Campaign
There will be new questions and cases around medical rights, divorce, alimony, child custody, and various other planning situations. Mortensen & Reinheimer, PC can help resolve questions and help navigate through the needs of your unique family needs.
Just like your family, Estate Planning is ever evolving...and it's important to figure out how to navigate your family through the information. START your estate planning, UPDATE your estate plan, and REVIEW your documents often to make sure they reflect your family's life changes.
YOU can protect your family while you are here...Mortensen & Reinheimer, PC can help ensure that protection is in place when you are not around. Real People. Real Solutions.
For information on how the DOMA ruling affects your family, call us at (714) 573-7149 or email: info@ocestateplanning.net to schedule a consultation about your estate plan, business plan, or family law matter today.
Visit our new ENHANCED website for more information and resources atwww.ocestateplanning.net